Our Opening Sequence

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Audience Feedback

Seeing as we have now completely finished our production =) it is time to get audience feedback. Today in class Miss Blackborow gave us some tips on things we could do and I decided to blog this so we can later reflect on the things we did or didn’t do.

It is obvious that we will need to hold a Screening Session before which we need to:

- clarify as a group who exactly we want as our audience
- create a suitable questionnaire to record the feedback
- decide whether we are going to book the media room for our screening and if so get in touch with Miss Blackborow asap
- decided whether we are going to hold screenings at home aswell
- decide on how many people we are going to invite

On the day of the Screening we need to:

- arrive ten to fifteen minutes earlier than everyone else
- Set up the classroom (move tables, arrange chairs, shut curtains, lights etc.)
- Test out sequence to see if the DVD works
- Check the volume

During the Session the three of us need to take up either of the following roles:

The Welcoming Person who:
- stands at the entrance showing people where to go and inviting them in
- hands out the questionnaires

The Person who gives the Briefing:
-Thanks all for coming
-explains what we expect from our audience–constructive feedback about the film (what works and what could be better)
- Speaks confidently in a friendly manner

The Technological Person who:
- makes sure the screen is on
- makes sure the DVD is ready to play
- basically presses ‘play’ and ‘stop’

We have already decided to have a group meeting today at 12.30 so we can start discussing all these issues so we are quite organised, and we will definitely be ready for our screening session by next week!

by Aarti for the group

We have now got a draft of questions for the questionnaire which I will post once I've typed it up. We have also decided that Aarti will be the 'Welcoming person', Alice will be the 'Briefing person' and I will be the 'Technical person', in our screening which has been booked for Wednesday 21st.

- Mel, for the group -

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