I went around my house and re-took some of the pictures i took last time but didn't upload because the files were too big they took far too long to upload. So here they are -

When we were dicussing a high angle shot of the stairs? I should take some pictures of the stairs through the bannisters and from below as well.

These are the candle sticks i was talking about - I'm going into Enfield today so i will have a look for some red candles!

Hahahaha this pictures makes me laugh.

Street at night - as you can see it's quite well lit. But the reddy glow is due to the setting on my camera. So on Monday when we test shoot at night - we'll see if the footage is far too dark. HOPEFULLY!! it won't be! :)

I thought even the chairs in my kitchen are quite 'elegant' and would fit in well with the mise en scene.
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